David Lopez

Ikonix IVS

this Ikonix IVS dashboard

About this project

I was a contractor on this project with the Fresh Consulting backend team. The Ikonix IVS app is an Angular web application connected to a .NET Core API

At this project I acted as the lead UI developer specialist acting as a bridge between design and frontend development and with the backend team and frontend development. The main challenge was to create a user friendly dashboard to manage decades of data and streamline user workflows. This drastically improved the speed to complete user tasks and onboard new users. Ikonix estimated that the new app will save $450,000 every year.

Technical sheet

Technologies I worked with on this project.

  • Angular 7
  • Typescript
  • Okta SSO
  • Angular Material UI
  • ng-select - one of the coolest select box libraries
  • JavaScript ES6
  • CSS3, SASS
  • HTML5 - semantic
  • RXJS
  • Docker containers


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